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Helm repository for Mimir Rules Kubernetes controller

K8S controller to manage Mimir Alerting and Recording rules with dynamic tenants, based on namespace name or annotations. The controller uses an CRD MimirRules which matches the PrometheusRule specs defined by the Prometheus Operator.

The current MimirRules specs are defined in the repository, in /config/crd/bases/ directory.


Installing this Helm Chart will install a new CRD MimirRules in the cluster. Take this into account for CRD updates or when deleting the controller, those operations will require manual steps with kubectl delete/apply.


Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm’s documentation to get started.

Once Helm is set up properly, you have two ways to install the chart.

1. Using GitHub registry with Helm

To show the chart information and see the templates:

helm show all oci:// --version 1.0.3
helm template mimirrules-controller oci:// --version 1.0.3
helm upgrade --install mimirrules-controller oci:// --version 1.0.3

2. Adding Helm repository

First, add this Helm repository:

helm repo add o11y-rules-telemetry-operator
helm repo update

You can then run helm search repo o11y-rules-telemetry-operator to see the charts.

To install the app chart in the Kubernetes cluster.

helm upgrade --install mimirrules-controller o11y-rules-telemetry-operator/mimirrules-controller --set config.mimirAPI=http://your.mimir.api

You can see all configuration parameters and default values of the Chart in the Readme