Reading time ~1 minute is the fallback properties file for all the BrowserConfiguration, All these values can be overriden from command line by providing as Jvm arguments with syntax something like below.
mvn clean install -DbrowserName=firefox -DremoteFlag=True =Dbs_Switch=false
Please note it is always good to have but purely optional ### Why we need
Consider a scenario where most of the configuration are repeated like screenShotFlag, driverTimeOut and may be we want to run all our test cases in BrowserStack and if all the keys once configured here need not to be present in ClientEnvironment(BrowserXml) xml or Google sheet Browser Configuration at all
There are always some default values associated with the mandatory key, By default omelet is configured to run on firefox on local system with screenshot true and driverTimeout of 30 seconds
**browsername - (FireFox|Chrome|IE|HTML)
remoteflag - Whether we want to run on Remote - remote can be HUB or BrowserStack
host - HUB host like ( or cloud host like “”
username - Username for Cloud
key - key for cloud
drivertimeOut - Integer value which is implicit wait for our driver
mobileTest - if we want to run test cases on Mobile browser on BrowserStack instead on Desktop
chromeserverpath - if remoteflag = false and browsername=Chrome , then location of Chrome Server
ieserverpath -if remoteflag = false and browsername=IE , then location of ieServer
screenshotflag - Boolean value to take screenshot of the failure test cases
highlightelementflag - utility to higlight clicking of element before clicking and entering text in webelement