Quick Start
Reading time ~1 minute
5 min Tutorial
Omelet framework involves some static files to be present before actually start using it. In order to start with omelet , one of the pre-requisite is maven should be installed(which can be checked by running mvn -version)
Once we are sure maven is insall simply run the below command in you shell
Do remember to change -DartifactId and -DgroupId which would be your project name and group name respectively.
What will happen
Sample project is created for you which will be having a test case for simple selenium tests using XML as data provider. You can simple CD into your folder and then run command
Then What ?
Few windows will open for firefox and you have run your very first test case with omelet. Do remember to check the reports in sure-fire/html/index.html and click on the tests in order to check detailed step level report
Now ?
Now as you have your skeletone ready with few folders , either you can start automating your application or try the same test with different option like running test case on BrowserStack which can be done by
Testing Bot
or you can run on your test cases on grid using below command