Quick Start
Reading time ~1 minute
5 min Tutorial
Omelet framework involves some static files to be present before actually start using it. In order to start with omelet , one of the pre-requisite is maven should be installed(which can be checked by running mvn -version)
Once we are sure maven is insall simply run the below command in you shell
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.yourGroupId -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=omelet-archetype -DarchetypeGroupId=com.springer
Do remember to change -DartifactId and -DgroupId which would be your project name and group name respectively.
What will happen
Sample project is created for you which will be having a test case for simple selenium tests using XML as data provider. You can simple CD into your folder and then run command
mvn clean install -Ddatasource=XmlData
Then What ?
Few windows will open for firefox and you have run your very first test case with omelet. Do remember to check the reports in sure-fire/html/index.html and click on the tests in order to check detailed step level report
Now ?
Now as you have your skeletone ready with few folders , either you can start automating your application or try the same test with different option like running test case on BrowserStack which can be done by
mvn clean install -Dremoteflag=true -Dkey=yourKey -Dusername=youruserName -Dhost=hub.browserstack.com -Dport=80 -Ddatasource=XmlData|GoogleData
mvn clean install -Dremoteflag=true -Dkey=yourKey -Dusername=youruserName -Dhost=ondemand.saucelabs.com -Dport=80 -Ddatasource=XmlData|GoogleData
Testing Bot
mvn clean install -Dremoteflag=true -Dkey=yourKey -Dusername=youruserName -Dhost=hub.testingbot.com -Dport=4444 -Ddatasource=XmlData|GoogleData
or you can run on your test cases on grid using below command
mvn clean install -Dremoteflag=true -Dhost= -Dport=4444